As you age, your teeth age right along with you. Even if you are taking care of them by cleaning them every day, there is still a chance that they can be worn down and become weaker and more brittle with age. Because of this, you should implement more effective cleaning tools and treatments as you continue to progress through... read more »
Have you been wanting a brighter, whiter smile? Certainly, a healthy smile starts with a healthy foundation--maintaining healthy tooth enamel and gums means brushing and flossing daily to keep your smile looking its best. This daily care along with regular professional dental cleanings are your strongest allies. Even so, there are things you can do to whiten your smile. At... read more »
Dr. Frank Russomanno, Jr. and our Oakdale Family Dentistry team in Oakdale, Minnesota, are pleased to help you with your smile health. We understand that you work hard every day to achieve and maintain your confident smile, but there are tips to help you boost your smile. So along with your daily brushing and flossing regimen, consider being mindful of... read more »